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Good Morning, South Carolina July 10, 2015

Posted by caradox in LoveGiveAct, Progressive Politics.
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In this era of screaming voices and unbending views, we don’t get many opportunities to drop the rage and appreciate a moment like we are witnessing in South Carolina this morning.
For a moment, just a precious moment, forget how much more there is to do. Forget how much you want to remind “the opposition” of exactly how horrible they are. For just a moment tap into the grace of 9 Charleston families. I’d like to just say “thank you” to all of those people who reflected, acted, spoke up, and stood up to make this morning possible.

Thank you South Carolina. You are doing the right thing. By putting down a heavy flag of division, you are opening up a future you will not regret. Love doesn’t divide, love multiplies.

Thank you Governor Nikki Haley for being the one to step out there and give permission to so many others to take the next step.

Thank you Senator Lindsey Graham for not just checking the box, but for being as authentic on this change as I’ve ever seen you on anything. I promise we’ll argue about a thousand things in the coming years, but at this moment I’m just grateful.

Thank you State Senator Paul Thurmond for this speech and your willingness to look in the face of your own family’s “heritage” and choose a new path.

Thank you State Rep Jenny Horne, a descendant of Jefferson Davis, for this amazing moment yesterday.

Thank you to the South Carolina Senate for voting 36-3 and the South Carolina House for voting 94-20. Those aren’t close votes and they put paid to the notion that South Carolina might still be wrangling over the question.
Thank you to the people of South Carolina for everything you did to let your representatives know that it was time.

And thank you to the Emanuel AME families. You paid a huge price for this tiny bit of change, but it’s a beginning.

I’ve been thinking a lot about Maya Angelou this morning and what she would have made of these past few weeks. She was fully capable of staring us down and saying “you should have done this long ago” then wrapping herself joyously around a whole state and saying “Yes South Carolina! I’m proud of you!”
Her words are exactly the right accompaniment to this day, savor them a little – On The Pulse of Morning

Even better, hear them in her own voice.

So from little old me, good morning, South Carolina. You did good. I’m proud of you.

Charleston. June 18, 2015

Posted by caradox in LoveGiveAct, Progressive Politics.
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It takes extraordinary faith to get through days of such anger horror sadness frustration as today. I don’t have the words to soothe the broken-hearted families of the Emanuel AME church, the community of Charleston, or friends across the country sharing in this wrenching pain. But I have my faith tonight, and it hangs on strong because of the people of Emanuel AME and those great and grieving friends whose love and resolve in the face of domestic terrorism point us in the only acceptable direction – forward.

A little list of love and resolve:

  • Learn the history – if you are too young or are among the many Americans for whom the story of race in America has been limited to a few chapters in a schoolbook, there is so much more to know and it helps make real the frustration of knowing history and having to face how far we still have to go. Here are just a few to get you started:

Denmark Vesey and the Emanuel AME Church

16th Street Baptist Church Bombing


The Newark Riots

The Chicago Freedom Movement

  • Remember them and the families who are just heartbroken today. They matter.
  • Donate to the Emanuel AME church here. They are going to need support to get through this.
  • It’s not enough to pray or wish it would stop – we have to work to stop hate. My heroes at the Southern Poverty Law Center are the daily keepers of the truth and remind us every day that there is work to be done. Support them here.
  • It’s time to get rid of the Confederate flag from state-sanctioned use.  Let’s call it what it is – the flag of a slave state that went to war with the United States and lost. Enough is enough with being nice and mumbling something about history and tradition. If we don’t change, things won’t change. You can sign one of the many petitions out there, but I like the direct route – call Nikki Haley’s office and tell her it’s time: 803.734.2100

Love to those who fight on for equal justice, economic opportunity and civil rights. A swift kick in the rear to those who think they can wave it away and hope it doesn’t affect them. We’re in this together.